The Caroline Chisholm Society is an accredited SafeCare® agency, reaching the highest standards in implementation.
Established in 1979, SafeCare® is an evidence-based, behavioral parent-training program for families at-risk or reported for physical abuse or child neglect. The National SafeCare Training and Research Centre (NSTRC) at Georgia State University, provides training and support for SafeCare®.
The Caroline Chisholm Society practitioners are trained SafeCare® professionals who provide in-home, module-based skills training targeting parent-child/infant interaction, child health, and home safety, to parents of children ages 0-5 years.
SafeCare® is generally provided in weekly home visits that last 60-90 minutes. The duration of the program is about 18 weeks, and the content for home visiting sessions is delivered across three modules. Each module includes a baseline assessment, several training sessions, and an end-of-module assessment to monitor progress in parenting skills over the course of the program. Providers are also trained to teach parents problem-solving skills.
For further information, contact the Society on 9361 7000 or email