Bringing Baby Home

Bringing Baby Home

The Bringing Baby Home (BBH) workshop is an evidence based and hands on practical program, dedicated to improving the quality of life for babies and children by strengthening their families.

Developed by renowned relationship and parenting experts, Drs. John and Julie Gottman, the BBH program is perfect for those who are:

  • Planning to have a baby
  • Expecting a baby
  • Already parenting an infant or toddler (age 0-3)

Learning objectives:

Strengthen your friendship Better understand child development
Increase intimacy and affectionCreate co-parenting strategies with your partner
Work through conflict with greater easeImprove the way you and your partner communicate, connect and compromise
Maintain relationship satisfactionRecognise signs of postpartum mood disorders and gain awareness of treatment options
Reduce hostilityCreate positive parent-child relationships
Ensure quality involvement for both parents Reduce the incidence of severity of postpartum mood disorders