Our News

A partnership of innovation and care

It is with great pleasure to share with you of the Society being one of 26 organisations to be part of Westpac’s Safe Children, Safer Communities grants program.  The program has committed $9.2M over three years in support to organisations keeping children safe and building safer communities.

The Society is the successful recipient of a $600,000 3-year scaling up grant to pilot our maternal wrap around work in the Goulburn Valley community.  This grant will support the work of the Society in reducing the number of babies and infants entering out-of-home care placements, improving early parenting outcomes for mothers and the health and wellbeing of young children.

The Society’s specialisation in pregnancy, early parenting, and the first thousand days is recognised as a significant early intervention for women at risk of child protection involvement, and is inline with state legislation and public policy to prevent future harm and reduce the likelihood of child protection intervention after the child’s birth by working earlier and in partnership with the mother, including access to appropriate support services to address the need and risk factors impacting her parenting capacity.

While working with women with children and expectant mothers to reduce the risk of child protection involvement and out of home care placements for infants and young children, the Society provides home visitation, outreach work, and material aid to improve early parenting and family wellbeing.

For further information on the successful 2021 projects, visit the 2021 SCSC Grants site.